Thursday, May 22, 2008

the age old question of...BO

We've all been there... back in high school... oh I don't need deodorant, I don't have BO... until some senior announces in assembly that the juniors stink.

Here in Japan - they're STILL at that stage. I was chatting to a Japanese friend about trains (Sydney vs Japan/Beppu) and how I thought Japanese trains smelt like sweat and this question popped up:

(for context)
me: i think salaryment hink they don't need deo
(male) friend: you mean we japanese use a lot of perfume
me: i have no idea actually
friend: but you are perfectly right
oh, but white use it alot
Luke smelled good
(Luke was the previous UTS student to study at KIT)

oh, btw
I heard white use it because they dont take shower
is that truth?

Of course I corrected this mistake:

me: it's because white people sweat A LOT
friend: LOL
are u sure?
me: yeah!
friend: funny^-^

So that's what Japanese people think of caucasians lol... who knew

I mean - Jap people HAVE deodorant for sale! When i first came i thought there were no anti-perspirants cos the word doesn't exist anywhere in Japanese - but i found out that all deos are antip's lol. So far I've noticd about 3/4 brands and a whole lot of stuff in between.
When i say 'in between' girls i mean pads for your underarms... to be stuck onto the sleeve of your clothing - now that was a weird moment for me when i saw that ad on tv.

Yes trains i've been on over here mostly smell like sweat...not overpowering... but definately emanating from the seat you're sitting on >_<


Stella Orientis said...

Gross! Fortunately Yamanashi is all about the bicycles. Or so I'm told... >.>

lostinkitakyushu said...

it's all about bicycles here too