Well the plane ride was...um...okay? what else can you say about the plane ride? we watched movies and tv shoes, listened to music etc. Quoc and I were pretty excited.
Airplane food was gross as usual... i liked their bread rolls though. I didn't sleep at all on the plane - i wanted to steal the Cathay Pacific blankets though - they were so nice.
We arrived at HK international airport at 4:30am our time i think (quoc?) nothing was even open! So we slept...
Then we took at plane to Fukuoka Airport - and met our tutors at the airport - they're not too bad looking too XD. We bused and trained to the university to drop off our stuff before we went to meet those in our lab and our professor - Kimura Sensei. Unfortunately at this stage Quoc and I were probably running on adrenaline - we were taken to the International Office where the lady explained to us the paperwork and garbage system IN JAPANESE... we realised then that we were f***ed.
Our tutors took us to buy a futon each and some random stuff... but the car Quoc's tutor Kouji used was tiny (as are 90% of cars in our area) so they borrowed a truck FOR FREE to drive the stuff back to uni!
Hey guys this is Quoc, i'll just add some further comments to what Becs just mentioned. Well i reckon we knew we were f*cked when we had that first bus trip with our tutors Kouji and Kyouhei... very very awkward because of the language barriers.
The cars here are indeed very boxy and if you think they'd all look like the cars from "The Fast and The Furious: Tokyo Drift", you are incredibly wrong.
The cars are so ugly!!! and small! they're literally box-like!! incredible...
Ok now on to our dorm rooms and this is just my opinion (i dont know what becs thinks of it so far - but from what i know i got the better room cause my aircon and fridge are working. becs gomen ne?). Anyways its a very narrow 1 person room, we have our own sink, tiny fridge, study desk, wardrobe and cupboard thing, and a little bathroom with shower and toilet. You guys should see how the sink works in the bathroom, its really hard to explain so i'll try to take pics for the next entry.
yeah our rooms are pretty small - but it's big enough for me... but yeah the bathroom is definately tiny tiny
We're very slowly settling into the place, everytime we leave our house its like we have to go out and buy something which is weird. LOL, the food here is very damn cheap though which is good especially for me since i eat like a horse. (BECS - Post the pic of the huge ass plate of katsukareraisu that i manned down the other day).
i have no idea why it's taking us so long to settle in - we have a lot of paperwork - we had to register as a foreigner, get an official seal THEN we could set up a bank account and get a mobile.
But so far it's been interesting - we went to a hanami on the first day, then we were randomly taken to this place where there's the prettiest sakura!! they were in full bloom.
We probably have a lot more to talk about but yeah, we're not in the thinking mood right now.
If you guys have any questions please post it in the comments section so we know what to write for our next entry.
Quoc & Becs
i LOVE cathay pacific! it used to be one of my favourite airlines =D
my favourite was All Nippon Airways/Airlines or something, ANA - but that could have been cos i was in first class with them XD
anyways - u have to post a photo of ur tutors since u've teased us with their not-so-bad looking ness!
...."where the lady explained to us the paperwork and garbage system IN JAPANESE... we realised then that we were f***ed."
LOL!!!!! tha'ts hilarious!
did you give each other "omg we're screwed" looks ???
are any of your costs covered / subsidised by uni? e.g. phone bills/living arrangements etc?
You had to buy your own futon? They really take the hygiene seriously over there eh. Oh and I would have just stolen the blankets, because I'm a dirty westie. >.>
As for the rooms, of course yours is big enough for you Becs. You could live in a capsule hotel.
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