Sunday, April 13, 2008

Japanese food ... oh and drink XD

Food is so good here >.<
I'm trying hard to try new things - half the time i can't even read whatever it is so i just point and ask for one of those LOL. Quoc is being a chicken and has been having KatsuCurry about once a day since we got here...

We're slowly learning new food vocab... we both thought that katsu was fried chicken but it was actually fried pork >_<

It's been about ten days since our arrival and we've been out drinking about three times? Quoc?

Something like that, each time has been with the American kids

No i didn't have plastic surgery to look like a Japanese person. That's Kouji my tutor/guide. From left to right: Bex, Steve, Kouji, Christina.

Anyway the Japanese have to have food with their alcohol, there's no such thing as going out for drinks without food - so in the past couple of days i/we've had:
Raw squid and wasabi (common japanese bar food)

basashi (uma or horse meat)

The girls were very slack that night. I got back to the restaurant after getting steve from the train station; and the girls told me to take a bite. Me being too much of a dumbass to ask what it was i took a bite of it and as soon as i did they were like "you're eating horse meat!"... i manned up and ate it as quickly as i could.

fried chicken cartilage

yakiudon (originated from Kitakyushu)
umeshuu (yummy plum wine)

shouchuu (japanese wine - common in kyushu - i hate it, it's apparently an acquired taste *shudders*

Shouchuu - never again, that stuff is nasty.

Oooh i shall use this post to talk about my conquest of the "mega-mac". Sometime last week me and becs were exploring kokura (the our area's equivalent of "the city" back in Sydney); and we came across a maccas that had a big poster saying "megamac" in japanese:

I dont know if i've already mentioned this in an earlier post but a megamac is like a big mac with 2 patties between each layer of the bun. So effectively a megamac is a big mac with 4 beef patties.

Come friday night me and becs order some pre-drink food:

My impressions: The meat patties aren't as big as the ones in Sydney. But nonetheless, it was still bigger than a regular big mac in Sydney. Maybe it's me but it seems like the maccas here in japan is less greasy than in Sydney.

Side note: some guy is singing and playing guitar next door and i can hear him as i'm typing this. LOL


Stella Orientis said...

Why didn't you go for mega teriyaki!

PS level 5 is hard. =(


NYZ said...

omgosh how did horse meat taste? the other foods look so good though! wish I could try them~

Alice said...


that is the biggest burger i've ever seeen